Thursday, January 11, 2007

We're committed...

Sean and I signed up today to participate in a 100-mile bike ride. Big challenge, right? How about raising $3,600 each in order to do so? Even bigger challenge, right? Well, it;s all for a good cause. We are raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Each year we seem to sign up for one challenging ride and raise money for a cancer charity.

My Aunt Dolores is currently in remission. She has 2 kinds of Leukemia. It's pretty crazy, you don't really think about it, or even know much about it until it happens to someone you know. But now I know that the type of Leukemia my aunt has tends to strike in the 1st decade of life, or in the 6th - 9th decade of life. My aunt is 65. Even stranger is that when my grandmother was in the holspital last January, dying from Pneumonia, they diagnosed her with Leukemia. One of the same strains that my aunt, her daughter, is now fighting.

Sean and I are pretty lucky. We have a good life. We are healthy. We enjoy riding our bikes. Why not combine these things into an event that can change the course of cancer research and get us one step closer to a cure.

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